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2024-07-03 14:39:59   来源:江西自考网    点击:   






  Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully.For each unfinished statement or question,four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the ANSWER SHEET.(30 points,1 point each)

  1.Lough Neagh,the largest lake in the UK,lies in

  A. Wales B.Scotland

  C.England D.Northern Ireland

  2. had little influence on the language or culture of ordinary Britons.

  A.The Romans B.The Anglo-Saxons

  C.The Danes D.The Normans

  3.A two-party system has existed in the UK since the late century.

  A.16th B.17th

  C.18th D.19th

  4.After becoming the first Archbishop of Canterbury, was remarkably successful in

  converting the king and the nobility to Christianity.

  A.King Ethelbert B.Pope Gregory l

  C.St.Augustine D.St.Andrew

  5.The smooth takeover of the English throne by William and Mary without bloodshed in

  1688 became known as in British history.

  A.the Glorious Revolution B.the Restoration

  C.the English Reformation D.the Gunpowder Plot

  6.In England, redistributed parliamentary seats more fairly among the growing


  A.the Act of Supremacy of 1535 B.the Test Act of 1673

  C.the 1825 Act D.the Reform Act of 1832

  7.After the "Black Wednesday"fiasco of September 16,1992 in the UK, economic

  policies were criticized.

  A.Tony Blair's B.John Major's

  C.David Cameron's D.Gordon Brown's

  8.The discovery of oil in led to the rapid development of oil exploitation in the UK.

  A.the North Sea B.the English Channel

  C.the Irish Sea D.the Bristol Channel

  9.The House of Commons in the UK is elected for a maximum term of years.

  A.two B.three

  C.four D.five

  10.The world-renowned events in Britain include the Royal Ascot,the Derby and the

  Grand National Steeplechase.

  A.track-and-field B.horse-racing

  C.rowing D.yachting

  11.At the beginning of the 20th century, made a fortune as the leader of the

  enormous expansion of the steel industry.

  A.John D.Rockefeller B.Andrew Carnegie

  C.Henry Ford D.Wilbur Wright

  12.Leadville,which still preserves a living picture of gold rush days in the United States,

  lies in

  A.the American West B.the Pacific Coast

  C.the Midwest D.the South

  13.Beginning in the late 1990s and early 2000s,the image of the United States changes from

  a melting pot to a

  A.colored bowl B.golden bowl

  C.salad bow1 D.super bowl

  14.In the United States,the first railroad to cross the entire country was completed in in 1869.

  A.Texas B.Utah

  C.Kansas D.Nebraska

  15.The terrorist attacks that took place in September 2001 shifted America's attention to the

  problem of

  A.national economy B.public welfare

  C.racial discrimination D.domestic security

  16.The Spanish-American War in 1898 resulted from US support for the independence movement in ,which was then ruled by Spain.

  A.Panama B.Puerto Rico

  C.Mexico D.Cuba

  17.In 1955,Martin Luther King organized the black citizens of to boycott the bus


  A.Montgomery B.Little Rock

  C.Memphis D.Topeka

  18.Although lost the popular vote,he was still elected president of the United States.

  A.Ronald Reagan B.Bill Clinton

  C.George W.Bush D.Barack Obama

  19.The Supreme Court of the United States consists of a chief justice and associate


  A.six B.seven

  C.eight D.nine

  20.Who is generally considered to be the father of American drama?

  A.Eugene O'Neill. B.Ernest Hemingway

  C.Emily Dickinson. D.Henry David Thoreau.

  21. is the capital of Canada.

  A.Ottawa B.Toronto

  C.Vancouver D.Montreal

  22.After Russia. is the world's second largest country in area.

  A.Australia B.New Zealand

  C.India D.Canada

  23.The novelist was the first Australian to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.

  A.Marcus Clarke B.Patrick White

  C.Henry Kingsley D.Thomas Keneally

  24.Situated in the Eastern Highlands, is a monumental garden city in Australia. A.Sydney B.Perth

  C.Adelaide D.Canberra

  25.In Australia,the power of Parliament is limited by

  A.the Queen B.social conventions

  C.the Governor-General D.a written constitution

  26.Pakeha is a term used to refer to people of non-Polynesian heritage in New Zealand, especially those of descent.

  A.European B.African

  C.American D.Asian

  27.The tuatara,found on some of the smaller islands of New Zealand,is a kind of

  A.insect B.reptile

  C.bird D.fish

  28.Three fourths of New Zealanders live on

  A.the Chatham Islands B.the South Island

  C.the North Island D.the Cook Islands

  29.English was first introduced to Ireland during

  A.the Tudor conquest B.the Norsemen invasion

  C.the Norman invasion D.the Cromwellian conquest

  30.It was that joined Great Britain and Ireland into the United Kingdom in 1801. A.the Anglo-Irish Agreement B.the Sunningdale Agreement

  C.the Belfast Agreement D.the Act of Union





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